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If your account is new, it may not have been validated yet. Please check your e-mail for a validation link. If you used to be able to see this page, it probably means you pissed someone off and they took away some of your permissions. If you think you should have access to this page, please e-mail the ".sb_link(sb_url("email/send?to=&subject=Account%20Question"), "webmaster").".
\n"; $newUserText = "Your account has been created. Please feel free to look around. You should receive a validation e-mail soon. To fully activate your account, you must click on the link included in it. Be sure to read the News to see what is happening and go ahead and add a new news item to introduce yourself.
"; $notesText = "Please tell us how you found out about us."; $customGoogle = "&cof=T:000000;L:;BGC:FFFFFF;AH:left;AWFID:580e1015ada1f205;"; $validationMessage = "%LOGIN%,\n Your account on $domainName has been validated. E-mail sent to %LOGIN%@$domainName will now be forwarded to %EMAIL%. You also have access to the restricted areas of $domainName. Please e-mail $userAdmin if you have any questions.\n"; ?> global $DEFINE_SB_CONFIG; if (!$DEFINE_SB_CONFIG) { $DEFINE_SB_CONFIG = 1; #sb_debug("DEFINE_SB_CONFIG"); require_once("sb_db.php"); require_once("sb_functions.php"); function sb_configGetValue($section, $cfgkey) { global $dbPref; $value = ""; $query = "select * from ${dbPref}config " . "where section = '$section' " . "and cfgkey = '$cfgkey'"; $result = sb_dbQuery($query); if ($row = sb_dbGetRow($result)) { $value = $row['value']; } return $value; } function sb_configSetValue($section, $cfgkey, $value) { global $dbPref; $delete = "delete from ${dbPref}config " . "where section = '$section' " . "and cfgkey = '$cfgkey'"; $rc = sb_dbQuery($delete); $insert = "insert into ${dbPref}config " . "(section, cfgkey, value) " . "values ('$section', '$cfgkey', '$value')"; $rc = sb_dbQuery($insert); return $rc; } function sb_configDelValue($section, $cfgkey) { global $dbPref; $delete = "delete from ${dbPref}config " . "where section = '$section' " . "and cfgkey = '$cfgkey'"; $rc = sb_dbQuery($delete); return $rc; } function sb_configGetSection($section) { global $dbPref; $sectionAry = array(); $query = "select * from ${dbPref}config " . "where section = '$section' "; $result = sb_dbQuery($query); while ($row = sb_dbGetRow($result)) { $sectionAry[$row['cfgkey']] = $row['value']; } return $sectionAry; } function sb_configGetSectionList() { global $dbPref; $sectionAry = array(); $query = "select distinct section from ${dbPref}config "; $result = sb_dbQuery($query); while ($row = sb_dbGetRow($result)) { array_push($sectionAry, $row['section']); } return $sectionAry; } } ?> global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; global $HTTP_GET_VARS; global $HTTP_SESSION_VARS; global $globalTitle; $joinchar = (strstr($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_URI'],'?'))?"&":"?"; #sb_array_walk($GLOBALS); if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['nojs'])) { $showjs = 0; $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['jsenabled'] = $showjs; $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sb_prefs']['jsenabled'] = "no"; session_register("jsenabled"); session_register("sb_prefs"); } elseif (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'])) { if (preg_match("/jsenabled=(\d)/", $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'], $matches)) { #sb_array_walk($matches); #sb_debug($matches[1]); $showjs = $matches[1]; #$showjs = $showjs&&(!ereg("Gecko", $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); $showjs = $showjs&&(!eregi("bot", $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['jsenabled'] = $showjs; $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sb_prefs']['jsenabled'] = ($showjs == 1)?"yes":"no"; session_register("jsenabled"); session_register("sb_prefs"); } } elseif (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['jsenabled'])) { $showjs = $HTTP_GET_VARS['jsenabled']; #$showjs = $showjs&&(!ereg("Gecko", $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); $showjs = $showjs&&(!eregi("bot", $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['jsenabled'] = $showjs; $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sb_prefs']['jsenabled'] = ($showjs == 1)?"yes":"no"; session_register("jsenabled"); session_register("sb_prefs"); } elseif (isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sb_prefs']['jsenabled'])) { $showjs = ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sb_prefs']['jsenabled'] == "yes")?1:0; } elseif (isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['jsenabled'])) { $showjs = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['jsenabled']; } else { $showjs = 1; # $onload = 'onload="go_there()"'; $onloadscript = ""; $showjs = 0; } ?>
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Page Updated: October 25 2018 01:16:49.- |